All Booster Club meetings are on the calendar and most meeting take place on Tuesdays during football season at PINZ bowling center. All football parents ( Varsity, JV, and Freshman ) and other football fans are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings. Come learn about the football program. Get involved. Meet other parents. Each meeting we talk about unfinished business as well as new business. Go over what is yet to come and how we can make the program grow. If the Varsity team advances to the playoffs, meetings will continue as needed until the season is over.
CHECK THE CALENDAR ON THE HOME PAGE FOR DATES. Hope to see you all on and off the field.
REMIND- (download the app) Varsity: Text 81010, Message: @southlyonf JV/Freshman: Text 81010, Message: @9bfb7k2 *Only sign up for the level your child plays on.
Please provide players name and what payment is for in the notes. When making payments, don't forget to use "friends and family" on PayPal (it waives the fees)

Byron Myer- President -
Christine Kaczkowski - Vice President-
Jo-Anne Scheloske Secretary-
Amanda Fanson - Treasurer-
Sam Tolbert - CO-Fundraising Chair-
Renee Cottone - CO-Fundraising Chair-
OPEN - Media/PR -
Meetings & Minutes

Annual Season Kick-Off Picnic
DATE: Saturday 8/17/24
Scrimmage: 10 am - 12 noon
Picnic: 12 noon
PLACE: SLHS Football Stadium
Come meet our amazing coaches and get important information about the season. Eat and enjoy a few games. This event is FREE to all family members and is sponsored by SLHS Football Boosters.